CAS retrospectively bans Valieva for four years. Revelation about the machinations in the Brazilian Football Federation CBF

In a crushing blow for Vladimir Putin's old-style propaganda system and its systematic doping of young athletes, figure skater Kamila Valieva has been handed a four-year suspension for her positive test in the run-up to the 2022 Winter Olympics.

CAS retrospectively bans Valieva for four years. Revelation about the machinations in the Brazilian Football Federation CBF

Dear readers and subscribers,

the judgement by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is the top sporting news story of the day. In a crushing blow for Vladimir Putin's old-style propaganda system and its systematic doping of young athletes, figure skater Kamila Valieva has been handed a four-year suspension for her positive test in the run-up to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Craig Lord summarises the CAS award for THE INQUISITOR:

Kamila Valieva is banned retrospectively for four years
In a crushing blow for Vladimir Putin’s old-style propaganda system and its systematic doping of young athletes, figure skater Kamila Valieva has been handed a four-year suspension for her positive test in the run-up to the 2022 Winter Olympic in Beijing.

You will of course also find the complete CAS statement there.

On the website of THE INQUISITOR, we've published an exclusive revelation by Lúcio de Castro on the machinations of the Brazilian Football Association CBF.

Allegations of sexual and moral harassment. A Big Brother setup in the president's office with cameras spying on employees, directors, media and coaches. The heavy presence of plainclothes armed police on election day to intimidate political opponents. A mafia movie? No. Welcome to the CBF.

You should definitely read this story, which is available in Portuguese and English.

Armed guards, hidden cameras & misogyny in play: the face of the Brazilian Football Confederation
Allegations of sexual and moral harassment. A Big Brother setup in the president’s office with cameras spying on employees, directors, media and coaches. The heavy presence of plainclothes armed police on election day to intimidate political opponents. A mafia movie? No. Welcome to the CBF.
Assédio, espionagem, homens armados em eleição: a verdadeira face da CBF
Denúncias de assédio sexual e moral. Um Big Brother Setup no escritório do presidente com câmeras espionando funcionários, diretores, gerentes, mídia e treinadores. A pesada presença da polícia armada à vista no dia da eleição para intimidar oponentes políticos. Máfia? Bem vindo à CBF.


At the weekend, we also described the latest absurd developments from the wonder world of the integrity wizards of international swimming.

European Aquatics: united in total lack of transparency
The head of Portugal’s leading sports institute “repudiates and condemns” the lack of truth in statements made by António Silva, he has told national media on a day when the controversial, “self-suspended” boss of Portuguese swimming was reelected president of European Aquatics in Athens.

Also, always worth a very thorough read if you haven't already: The full verdict in the appeal of convicted Olympic offender Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah.

Wording of the judgement against Sheikh Ahmad: “Selfish actions, bad collaboration, nil awarness of wrongdoing”
We provide subscribers with the latest judgement. Read the document and make up your own mind. Ahmad and his supporters are still lying. To this day, the Olympic family continues to perpetuate lie that the criminal conviction is somehow just a private matter – but the case shows Ahmad’s true colors.

Stay curious. Expect amazing @ THE INQUISITOR and SPORT & POLITICS.

Kind regards!

Jens Weinreich

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