DOSB chairman released from work – DOSB-Präsidium stellt den Vorstandsvorsitzenden Torsten Burmester frei
Wie in diesem Theater gestern mehr als angedeutet: Nach nicht einmal drei Jahren im Amt wurde Torsten Burmester (SPD) als Vorstandschef der größten Personenvereinigung Deutschlands freigestellt. Die Entscheidung erfolgte offenbar nicht einvernehmlich.

Exclusive, summary for English-speaking readers.
Der deutsche Text folgt weiter unten.
As I have already outlined to you in the past few weeks, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) is being rocked by numerous turbulences. Now the chairman of the board, Torsten Burmester, has been released from work. The temporary solution is to become a permanent one – lawyers are believed to be working out the details. Apparently, his contract had just been extended by four years. The DOSB remains completely non-transparent on this and other important issues. In an internal email to staff, DOSB president Thomas Weikert claims that the confederation's work is not affected by the important personnel issue. This is seriously doubtful. Burmester was also primarily responsible for the so-called German bid for the Olympic Games, the interim results of which are disastrous – and which actually only exists in announcements and soapbox speeches.
In the recent past, Weikert was asked to resign – his continued presidency is in the stars.

Aus rechtlichen Gründen musste ich das gestern noch mit Fragezeichen versehen. Streichen wir nun also alle Fragezeichen.
DOSB-Präsident Thomas Weikert schrieb in einer Email am 25. November an alle Mitarbeiter des DOSB: