How FIFA corruption works
In the podcast "How Crime Works", whistleblower Bonita Mersiades once again explained the FIFA system. Not much has changed in FIFA since the corrupt World Cup decisions on 2 December 2010 and the arrests on 27 May 2015 – FIFA is still labelled by several characteristics of a criminal organisation.

Happy New Year! Starting next week, we will be publishing new articles and exclusive documents here again – so look forward to them! Until then, I would like to recommend a 38-minute podcast. It is always worth listening to the Australian whistleblower Bonita Mersiades. What Bonita reports about her experiences in the mafia-like FIFA family is still true – only under different rulers. A few names have changed, but the system and culture have not.
What Bonita Mersiades outlines can be considered a blueprint for many other international sports federations – only under different names and with less turnover.
Last year, we provided numerous examples of what can be considered corrupt, even mafia-like, activities on SPORT & POLITICS and THE INQUISITOR, almost all exclusively: OCA, World Aquatics, European Aquatics, UIPM, ITTF, World Triathlon, FIE, FIH, IOC and several other institutions.
You will read a lot of new stuff this year, and about numerous other dubious events in other federations and organisations.
One of our revelations, this report by Lúcio de Castro from 29 January 2024, has just had legal consequences …

… Rodrigo Paiva, the long-standing director of communications at the Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF), was dismissed a few days ago after a labour court in Rio de Janeiro found him guilty of sexual harassment. Lúcio had investigated and reported the truth.
Paiva, and this is another example of mafia-like conditions in football, has just been hired as head of communications again – by Flamengo.
There is no institution worldwide that would independently and ruthlessly investigate such global corruption and mafia-like sports systems. There is only journalism. Fact. Nothing will change in 2025.
Bonita Mersiades has, among other things, written an outstanding book about her experiences in the FIFA mafia. Anyone who has not read ‘Whatever It Takes: The Inside Story of the FIFA Way’ cannot really join the conversation.
Buy it. Read it:

Please listen to Bonita's explanations, knowledge and experiences in the Business Insider podcast. Highly recommended:
A few years ago, Bonita also reported on her experiences as a whistleblower in the FIFA empire in the first issue of the SPORT & POLITICS magazine. I am making the ten-page report freely available to you as a sample.
If you want to read more about it:

SPORT & POLITICS 3, Andrew Jennings Edition
Magazin, E-Paper und gedruckt - 11,90€ (inkl Versand)