paris newsletter
Krieg und Spiele
Über eine herausragende Dokumentation von Robert Kempe und Tom Klees, über SPORT & POLITICS in/aus Paris – und sonst noch ein paar Themen und Texte, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten.
paris newsletter
Über eine herausragende Dokumentation von Robert Kempe und Tom Klees, über SPORT & POLITICS in/aus Paris – und sonst noch ein paar Themen und Texte, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten.
olympic history channel
Über olympische Konstanten, historische Wahrheiten, Langzeit-Recherchen, plaudernde Meister-Doper, Fabel-Leistungen, eine Omertà auf allen Ebenen, Propaganda und die Macht der vom IOC produzierten TV-Bilder.
A cult of personality has ruled the IOC since 2013. Now God, some call him Louis Quatorze, is holding court in France. One of the most important questions of these Games in Paris: will IOC's propaganda department produce even more images of God than at the current record in Rio de Janeiro 2016?
The champagne corks are popping at the headquarters of the World Anti Doping Agency and in Beijing. A so-called investigator has delivered the desired result in response to two questions posed by his client. WADA has allegedly done everything right. But in fact all questions remain unanswered.
the inquisitor
Today a very short newsletter with two topics that you should not miss. 1) Anders Besseberg was sentenced to three years and one month in prison for Olympic corruption. 2) Watch the second part of the prank video of IOC Sun King Thomas Bach.
thomas bach
Thomas Bach fell for pranksters. Of course, this has also happened to high-ranking politicians in recent years. However, it surprises how arrogantly amateurish the IOC Sun King acts. What do his many princely-paid directors actually do for a living if they advise Bach incredibly badly?
the inquisitor
Until 4 April 2024, we are offering special discounts for personal and business subscriptions. Take advantage of these offers and finance independent investigative journalism.
integrity artists
The IOC President sought to get close to Putin even after the Sochi Doping Games. He fraternised with Xi Jinping. He politicised the 2018 Games in South Korea, driven by the dream of the Nobel Peace Prize. All a miserable failure that dragged the Games deeper into a political quagmire. A commentary.
olympic crime
History was made on 21 February 2024. While the warmonger Vladimir Putin put on another sporting propaganda show in Kazan, the first drug dealer was convicted under the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act in the USA – exactly 10 years after the Sochi Doping Games.
In THE INQUISITOR team, we are convinced that there can be no more constructive journalism than investigative research and the most detailed coverage possible – based on documents. For everything else, there are the ever-growing PR and propaganda departments of the Olympic organisations.
integrity artists
Did Husain Al-Musallam, president of World Aquatics, award a company owned by his wife and children contracts from public funds? Kuwait's sports authority has handed the case over to the public prosecutor's office. Did he also provide for his family from OCA accounts?
integrity artists
He calls himself Captain Aqua. Husain Al-Musallam has been linked to a series of dubious dealings. The Kuwaiti was exposed as a bribe payer in FIFA criminal proceedings as the sidekick of the convicted Olympic Sheikh Al-Sabah – and is now once again accused of shady deals.